Live Presently

...fully embracing the glorious intensity of NOW, assured that your big picture time goals are on track.

Goals like:

  • investing in regular time with loved ones
  • avoiding exhausting streaks of weekends hosting or travelling
  • carving out & protecting enough free time to finish personal projects

The classic trope of how time = money extends to the benefits of protecting your savings & longterm commitments from thoughtless spontaneous spending. A bit of extra insight in the moment can make all the difference to the quality of your decisions.

Sure I'd love to buy that gadget, but maybe not at the expense of our new car downpayment

isn't so different from...

That festival lineup looks amazing...but not if it means missing school holiday surf camp with the niblings.

However, unlike cash, your time is more valuable in the present when you've protected your energy and focus to enjoy it to the fullest extent. The same day out with friends can be magical or a total slog depending on how much you're recovering from what came before, or how much you're distracted by what's up next.

Hence a clear idea of what priorities you're working around gives you the power to act fast, and with conviction. Sometimes that's jumping on new opportunities, or it's rescheduling around life's inevitable chaos, or it's simply saying no without a shred of regret.

This app is a step towards that vision - providing more intuitive and direct insights into our time commitments.

Specifically, my partner and I were looking for easier answers to our weekend planning ritual:

  • When is our next free weekend?
  • What weekend activities have we got planned?
  • How busy/available are we to travel / host?

So that's where this journey started, and what's guiding its continued development: thanks to feedback and an ongoing dissatisfaction with 'normal' calendar interface design.
